Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rabat continued...

After a drive through the royal and administrative compound which I managed not to get a single photo of we made our way to some ancient ruins. And when I say ancient I mean Roman ancient! Rabat has clearly been an important city for many years.

The city is known as the "city of cranes" and it's easy to see why. They were everywhere in this area. They can make some really strange sounds!I don't really know what this park area was called. Our guide was a rich wealth of information and so kind but it was a little difficult to understand him. 

There were so many ruins from different time periods. And I can't remember them all so just look at the pretty pictures. :)

This is my classmate, Eileen. She also goes to the University of Utah. Go Utes!

My flatmate, and friend and the person responsible for making me laugh so hard I can't breathe, Alexis!

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